Source code for cv.models.base

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from copy import copy
from markdown import markdown
import re

from cv.settings import PUBLICATION_STATUS_CHOICES, \
from cv.utils import CSLCitation, ISBNError, check_isbn

from .files import CVFile
from .managers import DisplayManager, PublicationManager

[docs]class DisplayableModel(models.Model): """Abstract class that includes fields shared by all models. The abstract class defines three fields common to all models in Django-Vitae. The model is managed by ``cv.models.managers.DisplayManager``, which is the default manager for all models that inherit from DisplayableModel """ display = models.BooleanField(default=True) extra = models.TextField(blank=True) files = GenericRelation(CVFile) displayable = DisplayManager() class Meta: abstract = True
[docs]class Collaborator(models.Model): """Representation of collaborator on publications or projects. Collaborators represent all people listed in entries of a CV that are not the user. Django-Vitae uses the ``email`` attribute to identify and manage collaborators internally and must, therefore, be unique to each collaborator. Collaborators are ordered alphabetically by last name by default. """ first_name = models.CharField('First (given) name', max_length=100) last_name = models.CharField('Last (family) name', max_length=100) email = models.EmailField(unique=True) middle_initial = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) suffix = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) institution = models.CharField(max_length=150, blank=True) website = models.URLField(blank=True) alternate_email = models.EmailField(blank=True) class Meta: ordering = ['last_name', 'first_name'] def __str__(self): name = '%s, %s %s' % ( self.last_name, self.first_name, self.middle_initial) return name.strip()
[docs]class CollaborationModel(models.Model): """Abstract model connecting collaborators to products. Collaborators are tied to the user through specific collaborations. For example, a paper with two authors--the user and a collaborator--represents one *collaboration* that has unique characteristics such as the order of authorship. A second paper by the same two authors would represent a new collaboration. The abstract collaboration model allows for these connections across a variety of different collaboration types. Fields: collaborator : ForeignKey field to the Collaborator model. print_middle : Should the collaborator's middle initial be inlcuded in the CV entry? display_order : Integer representing the order in which collaborators are listed. """ collaborator = models.ForeignKey(Collaborator, on_delete=models.CASCADE) print_middle = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Display author\'s middle initial?') display_order = models.IntegerField( help_text='Order that collaborators should be listed') class Meta: abstract = True def __str__(self): return str(self.collaborator)
[docs]class StudentCollaborationModel(models.Model): """Abstract collaboration model to note collaborations with students. Often advisors wish to highlight collaborations with students on CVs. This abstract class adds a single field that allows the user to indicate whether a collaborator was a student and, if so, the level of the student (e.g., undergrad, masters, doctoral). """ student_colleague = models.IntegerField( choices=STUDENT_LEVELS_CHOICES, blank=True, null=True) class Meta: abstract = True
## Discipline
[docs]class Discipline(models.Model): """Model that represents academic discipline. Some models include a Foreign Key relationship to Discipline to allow instances to be classified by discipline (e.g., to sort CV by discipline in which articles are published). """ name = models.CharField(max_length=40, unique=True) slug = models.SlugField(unique=True) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): """Return string representation of :class:`Discipline`. >>> d = Discipline.objects.create(name='Being Zany',slug='being-zany') >>> str(d) 'Being Zany' """ return
[docs]class VitaeModel(DisplayableModel): """Reusable model containing basic titling and discipline fields.""" title = models.CharField( max_length=200, validators=[RegexValidator( r'\S+', message='Title must contain non-whitespace characters' )], ) short_title = models.CharField(max_length=80) slug = models.SlugField( unique=True, help_text='Automatically built from short title') primary_discipline = models.ForeignKey( Discipline, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_primarydiscipline', on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True) other_disciplines = models.ManyToManyField( Discipline, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_otherdisciplines', blank=True) class Meta: abstract = True
[docs]class VitaePublicationModel(VitaeModel): """Reusable model with fields common to all types of publications. The model uses ``cv.models.managers.PublicationManger`` to manage instances of the model. The ``PublicationManager`` is named ``displayable``. Internally managed fields: ``VitaePublicationModel`` instances include three fields managed internally related to publication status: ``is_published``, ``is_inrevision``, and ``is_inprep``. The values of each of these boolean fields are set when cleaning the model instance. Django-Vitae also manages an ``abstract_html`` field internally to save an HTML version of markdown text saved in the ``abstract`` field. Custom methods: ``get_next_by_status()`` and ``get_previous_by_status`` mimic Django's built-in methods ``get_next_by()`` and ``get_previous_by`` but inlcudes a constraint that the publication status must be the same as that of the current model instance. ``cite()`` prints the instance's citation using the CSL format defined in the ``CV_CITE_CSL_STYLE`` setting. """ abstract = models.TextField(blank=True) status = models.IntegerField( choices=PUBLICATION_STATUS_CHOICES) pub_date = models.DateField( 'Publication date', blank=True, null=True) submission_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True) is_published = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) is_inrevision = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) is_inprep = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) abstract_html = models.TextField(blank=True, editable=False) displayable = PublicationManager() class Meta: abstract = True ordering = ['status', '-pub_date', '-submission_date'] def __str__(self): return '%s' % self.short_title
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Sets publication status booleans and abstract text in HTML.""" self._set_status_fields() self.abstract_html = markdown(self.abstract) super(VitaePublicationModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): """Checks ISBN validity.""" if getattr(self, 'isbn', ''): self.isbn = check_isbn(self.isbn) super(VitaePublicationModel, self).clean(*args, **kwargs)
def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse( 'cv:item_detail', kwargs={'model_name': self._meta.model_name, 'slug': self.slug} ) def _set_status_fields(self): """Sets boolean values for each of three publication statuses.""" for status in ['is_published', 'is_inrevision', 'is_inprep']: setattr(self, status, False) if (self.status and PUBLISHED_RANGE.min <= self.status < PUBLISHED_RANGE.max): self.is_published = True if (self.status and INREVISION_RANGE.min <= self.status < INREVISION_RANGE.max): self.is_inrevision = True if (self.status is not None and INPREP_RANGE.min <= self.status < INPREP_RANGE.max): self.is_inprep = True
[docs] def get_next_previous_by_status(self, direc): """Retrieves next or previous instance with same publication status.""" if direc not in ["previous", "next"]: raise SyntaxError("'direc' must be 'previous' or 'next'") if (self.status < INREVISION_RANGE.min or self.status > PUBLISHED_RANGE.max): raise ValueError( _('%s must be in revision or publication status' % self._meta.object_name)) sign, db_filter = ("-", "__lt") if direc == "previous" else ("", "__gt") if self.status < PUBLISHED_RANGE.min: mgr_name, filter_var = ("revise", "submission_date") else: mgr_name, filter_var = ("published", "pub_date") ref_date = getattr(self, filter_var) if ref_date is None: raise ValueError('%s instance must have %s to get %s publication ' 'by status' % (self._meta.object_name, filter_var, direc)) filter_params = {filter_var + db_filter: ref_date} mgr = getattr(self.__class__.displayable, mgr_name) obj = mgr().order_by( '%s%s' % (sign, filter_var)).filter(**filter_params).first() if obj: return obj direc = "subsequent" if direc == "next" else direc raise self.DoesNotExist( _("There are no %s %ss with same status.") % (direc, self._meta.object_name))
def get_previous_by_status(self): return self.get_next_previous_by_status("previous") def get_next_by_status(self): return self.get_next_previous_by_status("next")
[docs] def get_primary_files(self): """Return queryset of :class:`cv.models.CVFile` objects designated as "primary files" associated with article.""" return self.files.filter(is_primary__exact=True)
[docs] def cite(self, style='html', doi=True): """Return citation of instance. The format used for the citation is set using the CV_CITE_CSL_STYLE setting. """ if style not in ['html', 'plain']: raise ValueError(('Citation style must be either \'html\' or' ' \'plain\'')) if style == 'html': return CSLCitation(self).cite_html(doi=doi) return CSLCitation(self).cite_plain(doi=doi)
# Journal
[docs]class Journal(models.Model): """Store object representing journal/periodical in field. The model contains one internally managed field, ``title_no_article``, which stores the name of the title without the leading articles 'A', 'An' or 'The'. The field is used to alphabetize journals by titles without the leading article, `per APA style`_. .. _per APA style: The model includes an ``issn`` field that stores the `International Standard Serial Number`_ for the journal. Future versions might require the issn field to prevent duplicate journal entries and to allow automatic updating of journal lists. .. _International Standard Serial Number: """ title = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) abbreviated_title = models.CharField( max_length=100, blank=True, help_text=_('Abbreviated journal title; ' 'use style you wish to display in views')) issn = models.CharField( 'ISSN', max_length=9, validators=[RegexValidator(r'\d{4}\-\d{3}[0-9X]')], help_text='Enter ISSN in format: XXXX-XXXX', blank=True) website = models.URLField(blank=True) primary_discipline = models.ForeignKey( Discipline, related_name='primarydiscipline', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True) other_disciplines = models.ManyToManyField( Discipline, related_name='otherdisciplines', blank=True) title_no_article = models.CharField( max_length=200, blank=True, editable=False) class Meta: ordering = ['title_no_article'] def __str__(self): """Return string representation of :class:`Journal`""" return self.title
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.title_no_article = re.sub( '^An |^A |^The |^a |^an |^the ', '', self.title).strip() super(Journal, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# class MediaMention(DisplayableModel): # """Mention in media outlet.""" # # TODO: Possibly refactor into separate app with generic relations # # to any model # outlet = models.CharField( # max_length=200, help_text=_('Publication or station')) # section = models.CharField( # max_length=200, null=True, blank=True, # help_text=_('Section of publication or program')) # title = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True, blank=True) # date = models.DateField() # url = models.URLField(blank=True, null=True) # author = models.CharField( # max_length=200, blank=True, null=True, # help_text=_('E.g., author of written piece or interviewer on ' # 'visual medium')) # description = models.TextField(blank=True) # snapshot = models.FileField(null=True, blank=True) # # article = models.ForeignKey(Article,null=True,blank=True,on_delete=models.CASCADE) # # book = models.ForeignKey(Book,null=True,blank=True,on_delete=models.CASCADE) # # talk = models.ForeignKey(Talk,null=True,blank=True,on_delete=models.CASCADE) # class Meta: # ordering = ['-date'] # def __str__(self): # return '%s (%s)' % (self.outlet,'%b %d, %Y')) # objects = models.Manager()