.. _custom_settings: Settings ======== .. _cv_publication_status_choices: .. setting:: CV_PUBLICATION_STATUS_CHOICES ``CV_PUBLICATION_STATUS_CHOICES`` --------------------------------- Default: .. code-block:: python ( (0,'INPREP',_('In preparation')), (1,'WORKING',_('Working paper')), (20,'SUBMITTED',_('Submitted')), (30,'REVISE',_('Revise')), (35,'RESUBMITTED',_('Resubmitted')), (40,'CONDACCEPT', _('Conditionally accepted')), (50,'FORTHCOMING',_('Forthcoming')), (55,'INPRESS', _('In press')), (60,'PUBLISHED',_('Published')), (99,'RESTING',_('Resting')) ) A list specifying the constants and display values used to create choices for the ``status`` field of :class:`~cv.models.VitaePublicationModel` proxy class and which publications :ref:`topics-pubs-common-managers` return Django-Vitae managers. Each option must be composed of three elements: * an integer setting the constant used by the database to store values * a string indicating what the constant will be be called; these values will be used to set a constant with the suffix ``_STATUS`` in the :mod:`cv.settings` module. * value that will be displayed as the choice Internally, Django-Vitae organizes the type of publication based on the value of the integer used for the choice. The following table shows the ranges used for different publication statuses. =========== ====== ================= ==================================== Values >= and < Status Manager =========== ====== ================= ==================================== 0 10 In preparation :class:`~cv.models.InprepManager` 10 20 Reserved for user to use as needed 20 50 In revision :class:`~cv.models.ReviseManager` 50 90 Published :class:`~cv.models.PublishedManager` 90 Reserved for user to use as needed =========== ====== ================= ==================================== .. setting:: CV_FILE_TYPES_CHOICES ``CV_FILE_TYPES_CHOICES`` ------------------------- Default: .. code-block:: python CV_FILE_TYPES_CHOICES = ( (10, 'MANUSCRIPT_FILE', _('Manuscript')), (20, 'PREPRINT_FILE', _('Preprint')), (30, 'DRAFT_FILE', _('Draft')), (40, 'SLIDE_FILE', _('Slides')), (50, 'CODE_FILE', _('Code')), (60, 'TABLE_FILE', _('Table')), (70, 'IMAGE_FILE', _('Image')), (80, 'SUPPLEMENT_FILE', _('Supplement')), (100, 'OTHER_FILE', _('Other')) ) A tuple that contains the values, names, and labels of choices to classify file types for :class:`~cv.models.CVFile`. The :mod:`cv.settings` module stores tuple of values and labels of choices in :attr:`FILE_TYPES_CHOICES` and a dictionary of names to access choice values in :attr:`FILE_TYPES`. .. setting:: CV_STUDENT_LEVELS_CHOICES .. _cv-student-levels-choices: ``CV_STUDENT_LEVELS_CHOICES`` ----------------------------- Default: .. code-block:: python CV_STUDENT_LEVELS_CHOICES =( (0,'UNDERGRAD',_('Undergraduate student')), (10,'MASTERS',_('Masters student')), (20,'DOCTORAL',_('Doctoral student')) ) A tuple of three-tuples that each contain the value, name, and label to customize the choices related to the level of student. Used for the :class:`cv.models.Student` model for advising and for student collaborations in publication :ref:`authorship sets `. .. setting:: CV_SERVICE_TYPES_CHOICES ``CV_SERVICE_TYPES_CHOICES`` ---------------------------- Default: .. code-block:: python CV_SERVICE_TYPES_CHOICES = ( (10,'DEPARTMENT',_('Department')), (20,'SCHOOL', _('School or College')), (30,'UNIVERSITY',_('University-wide')), (40,'DISCIPLINE',_('Discipline')), (50,'COMMUNITY',_('Community')), (90,'OTHER',_('Other')) ) A tuple of three-tuples that each contain the value, name, and label to customize the choices related to the types of service. .. setting:: CV_KEY_CONTRIBUTORS_LIST ``CV_KEY_CONTRIBUTORS_LIST`` ---------------------------- Default: ``[]`` (Empty list) A list of e-mails identifying contributors that should be highlighted in the CV.