.. _topics-pubs-reports: Reports ------- Report Model ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ======================= ================================================= Model field reference :class:`cv.models.Report` Authorship set :class:`cv.models.ReportAuthorship` ======================= ================================================= The :class:`~cv.models.publications.Report` model represents an instance of a report or a publication with a similar format to a report (e.g., policy brief, working paper, etc.) .. _topics-pubs-reports-views: Report Views ^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Report List** : :class:`cv.views.CVListView` =============== ================================================================ Context object ``{{report_objects}}`` Template ``'cv/lists/report_list.html'`` URL ``'reports/'`` MIME type ``text/html`` =============== ================================================================ The report list view produces a page with a list of an author's reports. The page is a rendered instance of the :class:`cv.views.CVListView` view with the named parameter ``model_name`` set to ``'report'``. The view returns the object ``{{object_list}}`` in the context with with four objects on its dot path: ``total_reports`` Integer of total number of books from all three managers: ``report_published_list`` :class:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet` of all published books (uses the `published manager `) ``report_revise_list`` queryset of all books in the revision process (uses the `revise manager `) ``report_inprep_list`` queryset of all books in preparation for submission (uses the `inprep manager `) The URL can be accessed in templates by using the `URL template filter`_ with the named URL ``section_list`` and ``model_name`` parameter equal to ``report``, i.e.:: {% url section_list model_name='report' %} .. _URL template filter: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/templates/builtins/#url **Report Detail**: :class:`cv.views.CVDetailView` =============== ================================================================ Context object ``{{report}}`` Template ``'cv/details/report_detail.html'`` URL ``'reports//'`` MIME type ``text/html`` =============== ================================================================ The report detail view produces a representation of a single report. The page renders an instance of :class:`cv.views.CVDetailView` with the named parameters ``model_name`` set to ``'report'`` and the ``slug`` set to the value of the report's ``slug`` field. The view returns the context object ``{{report}}`` that represents a single :class:`~cv.models.Report` instance. **Report Citation**: :func:`cv.views.citation_view` =============== ================================================================ Context object ``{{report}}`` Templates ``'cv/citations/report.ris'`` ``'cv/citations/report.bib'`` URL ``'reports//citation//'`` MIME types ``application/x-research-info-systems`` ``application/x-bibtex`` =============== ================================================================ Creates representation of a report as a file that can be downloaded or exported to citation management software. The :attr:`` named parameter should be one of: ``'ris'`` will create downloadable citation using Reference Manager format specification (see http://endnote.com/sites/rm/files/m/direct_export_ris.pdf). ``'bib'`` will create downloadable citation using the BibTeX format specification (see http://www.bibtex.org/Format/)