


      (0,'INPREP',_('In preparation')),
      (1,'WORKING',_('Working paper')),
      (40,'CONDACCEPT', _('Conditionally accepted')),
      (55,'INPRESS', _('In press')),

A list specifying the constants and display values used to create choices for the status field of VitaePublicationModel proxy class and which publications Managers return

Django-Vitae managers. Each option must be composed of three elements:

  • an integer setting the constant used by the database to store values
  • a string indicating what the constant will be be called; these values will be used to set a constant with the suffix _STATUS in the cv.settings module.
  • value that will be displayed as the choice

Internally, Django-Vitae organizes the type of publication based on the value of the integer used for the choice. The following table shows the ranges used for different publication statuses.

Values >= and < Status Manager
0 10 In preparation InprepManager
10 20 Reserved for user to use as needed <none>
20 50 In revision ReviseManager
50 90 Published PublishedManager
90   Reserved for user to use as needed <none>



        (10, 'MANUSCRIPT_FILE', _('Manuscript')),
        (20, 'PREPRINT_FILE', _('Preprint')),
        (30, 'DRAFT_FILE', _('Draft')),
        (40, 'SLIDE_FILE', _('Slides')),
        (50, 'CODE_FILE', _('Code')),
        (60, 'TABLE_FILE', _('Table')),
        (70, 'IMAGE_FILE', _('Image')),
        (80, 'SUPPLEMENT_FILE', _('Supplement')),
        (100, 'OTHER_FILE', _('Other'))

A tuple that contains the values, names, and labels of choices to classify file types for CVFile. The cv.settings module stores tuple of values and labels of choices in FILE_TYPES_CHOICES and a dictionary of names to access choice values in FILE_TYPES.



        (0,'UNDERGRAD',_('Undergraduate student')),
        (10,'MASTERS',_('Masters student')),
        (20,'DOCTORAL',_('Doctoral student'))

A tuple of three-tuples that each contain the value, name, and label to customize the choices related to the level of student. Used for the cv.models.Student model for advising and for student collaborations in publication authorship sets.



        (20,'SCHOOL', _('School or College')),

A tuple of three-tuples that each contain the value, name, and label to customize the choices related to the types of service.


Default: [] (Empty list)

A list of e-mails identifying contributors that should be highlighted in the CV.